May All Your Christmases Be Green with WWF’s Eco-Friendly Tips

Press Release: Humanity is currently using the resources of one and half planets. This puts tremendous pressure on our planet and its biodiversity. By 2050, the global population is expected to reach nine billion, stretching our natural resources to the brink. With such limited resources, we need to change the way we consume products. ThisContinue reading “May All Your Christmases Be Green with WWF’s Eco-Friendly Tips”

Miss Earth Beauties Highlight Environment Concerns

Environment activists has taken on an eye-catching way to get attention for the plight of our earth’s deteriorating health. Through beautiful female bodies from all over the world, the environment is given some attention. Miss Earth highlights pro-environment messages mixed with the usual fanfare of beauty pageantry but nevertheless a worthwhile effort. Enjoy the picturesContinue reading “Miss Earth Beauties Highlight Environment Concerns”